Here's a quick summary of everything we released in Q1 2024.


7.1 Creating a frontend using Next


In this lesson, you'll learn how to create a Next app and connect it to Hygraph. Let's quickly go over how to set up a new Next project from scratch. Then, we will clone the e-commerce Hygraph starter that will be used for the rest of the tutorial.

#Quick overview: Creating a new Next app

To start, we need to initialize a new Next.js 13 project. Open up your terminal and navigate to where you want your project, then run the following command:

npx create-next-app hygraph-boutique

The interactive setup will ask you questions to configure your project. Initialize with the following answers:

  • Typescript: No
  • ESLint: Yes
  • Tailwind CSS: Yes
  • src/ directory: No
  • App Router: Yes
  • Import alias: No

After choosing the options, the CLI will install all the necessary pieces to run your Next.js site.

Once the installation completes, open the new Next project in a code editor of your choice. We need to adjust the default Tailwind styling that Next.js gives us from the installation.

Remove the global CSS rules in app/globals.css except following Tailwind imports:

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

#Clone the Hygraph E-commerce starter

Since, we already have a Hygraph project, let's clone the starter without creating a new Hygraph project. Here's the link to the repository.

Type the following command into your terminal to clone the starter:

git clone

Navigate to the project directory and type npm install to install the package dependencies.

In the next lesson, we will connect our e-commerce storefront to our existing Hygraph project.